Want To Join Our Crew?

You’ve made the right choice!  Let me share the particulars you need to be aware of.

The initial cost of membership is $145.00.  You will receive three embroidered shirts, one dark blue for team events, one gray for single/doubles , and one black with red trim TNBA shirt. Yearly dues are $70.00 annually.

Usage of the club dues includes all sorts of fun things from hospitality rooms during out of town tournaments, out of state sanction fees for State Tournaments, club get togethers and more.

Look below for the club shirt designs.  Once you see how hot the shirts are going to make you, the application for club membership is directly below that.

4 3 2 1

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We are talking Brick House and Hottie status when you put these on!  Quit stalling and fill out the form below to become a member today!
